Are you frustrated with some things inside your company and you really want to create some change?

Do you desperately wish you could get everyone on the same page?

Do you think you have a culture problem but you don’t know how to fix it?

Do you feel aggrivated about how things operate and the way people work together, but you aren’t sure how to change it?

Do you feel unappreciated and undervalued?

Do you feel like you’re stuck… in a rut, in a job, on a career path, and it feels like there is no way out?

Do you feel bored in your current role and want to feel more fulfilled or challenged?

Are you vying for a promotion, or more recognition, or a position with more responsibility?

Are you supervizing a new team and want to ensure you’re doing all the right things?

Did you just take on a new C-level position and want to be sure you lead the organization to newfound greatness?

Do you feel frustrated that people you work with don’t do things as you wish they would?

Do you have employees who are under performing or causing friction with other team members and you don’t know what to do?

>>>> (Do you find reading through this list cathartic?) <<<<

Did you inherit a team and you want to ensure a smooth transition?

Was your company recently purchased or part of a merger and you need to guide everyone through it?

Did you just come through a round of layoffs and you want be sure the remaining staff goes forward with enthusiasm for thier work and feeling positively about the company?

Do you dream about more work / life balance?

Do you wish you felt more joy and less aggrivation from work?

Are you feeling pressure to achieve ambitious goals and unsure how you will get there?

Do you feel the sandwich pressure of the shareholders who want specific, immediate results and the employee base who want more resources, more compensation, more time off and more company benefits?

Does it sometimes feel like everyone wants a piece of you?

Are you feeling pressure to find a new job, a better job, a new career path, something more fulfilling or something at all?

Do you feel regular anxiety, worry, and fear that you won’t make your numbers, your division won’t make its numbers or that the entire company won’t make its numbers?

Does it sometimes feel like you are not set up to succeed?

Does it feel like the world is on your shoulders?

>>>> (Do you feel seen after reading this??) <<<<

If you answered yes to any (or many) of these questions, (A) you are not alone and (B) WELCOME… THIS IS FOR YOU!